Errand Running Services in China

errand running services in china

errand running services in china

errand running services in china

Services We Offer

We are a team of multilingual professionals who can assist you in various business and personal matters.

Business Services

  • Communication Facilitation: We bridge language barriers to ensure smooth communication in business settings.
  • Project Presentation: We deliver impactful presentations on your behalf.
  • Company/Exhibition Representation: We represent your company at events and exhibitions.
  • Client Engagement: We foster positive relationships with your clients.
  • Recruitment: We help you find qualified candidates.
  • Market Research: We gather valuable market insights.
  • Personal Assistance for Corporate Executives: We provide comprehensive support to busy executives.

Personal Services

Need help with everyday errands? We’ve got you covered!

  • Document and Material Delivery: We pick up and deliver documents and materials as needed.
  • Ticket and Item Purchase: We secure tickets or hard-to-find items on your behalf.
  • Apartment Finding: We assist you in finding the perfect rental apartment.
  • Airport Meet-and-Greet: We ensure a smooth arrival or departure at the airport.
  • Other Errands: We leverage local resources to tackle any errand you need completed.

How it Works

  1. Contact us: Reach out to us via live chat, Skype, email, or our contact form.
  2. Get a quote: Briefly describe the task, and we’ll provide an estimated workload and cost.
  3. Make a deposit: Secure your service with a deposit via check, wire transfer, or cash.
  4. Sit back and relax: We’ll complete the task to your satisfaction.


  • Specialized Errands (Our Team): RMB 260-330/hour (depending on complexity)
    • Note: RMB is the Chinese Yuan (CNY). As of now, 1 USD ≈ 6.80 CNY.
  • Professional Errands (Within a Day): RMB 300/hour (flat rate)
  • Errand Runners: RMB 120/hour (flat rate)
  • Long-Term Projects: Negotiate weekly or monthly rates over phone/internet before signing a written agreement.